The SEO Whiz Jing's Corner Lot: MEASURING SUCCESS

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'ld like to share with you what I've read this morning about "Measuring Success" from the book WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women

Life consists of numerous endeavors. "Get it done. Finish the work." How many times have we heard these words repeated to us? Countless times, perhaps. we have all been asked to do things. But whatever it is that we are asked to do, the measure of success is not just that we've finished the job on time. It is not just about beating the deadline. It's about giving our best for God's glory.
Giving our best means exerting all effort, exhausting all resources and putting our hearts and souls into it. What we are asked to do may be as simple as typing a letter or something as complex as planning a strategy. Giving our best means treating both simple and complex jobs equally--doing both enthusiastically, wholeheartedly. It is doing the job with humility, never thinking, "This job is too small for someone as brilliant as me." Or thinking the other way around, "I can't do this. This is beyond my capabilities."
When we are asked to finish a task and fulfill a goal, let's get into the habit of accepting these as challenges and God-given opportunities. The principles of hard work, diligence and perseverance are built into us as we face these endeavors. Our character as God's children is developed and molded.
So the next time you are asked to do something, do not see it as another burdensome task that will rob you of time and energy. See it as another opportunity to learn, grow, and mature. And remind yourself to ask this question, "Am I giving my best for my Lord?"
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fullt to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58)

--from the book of WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women

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