The SEO Whiz Jing's Corner Lot: KINDNESS

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This is another one from the book WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women.
Enjoy reading.

We meet a lot of people everyday--on the street, on the bus, at school, and at work. They may be friends, acquaintances or even strangers. They come in all sizes, forms, and personalities. All of them touch our lives somehow, even for just a single moment.
But there is one act that would forever seal that encounter with people. That is the act of kindness.
It only takes a little effort to do something nice to others. It may be as simple as picking up things they dropped, opening the door, or even helping an elderly cross the busy street. It doesn't have to be as hard as fighting in a war or dying for the country like most heroes did; the feeling it will bring you is pretty much the same. You know,that light and happy feeling knowing we made life easier for somebody-even somebody we don't know. They may or may not treasure it. They may even forget all about it. The important thing is you did what should have been done.
The next time you step out of the house, how about making it your goal to be extra nice, to be a little kinder and more conscious of the needs of other people? It may be a little hard at first. It may take some of your time, for instance to help a stranger find his way when you should be hurrying for work.
That is the cost of kindness-a little inconvenience on our part. But the reward is greater. As we practice kindness, we can show others how to make a better place to live in. And what will it do for people we show kindness to? Well, they may start believing again that there are still kind and friendly people around and repay the act of kindness by being kind to others, too.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

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