The SEO Whiz Jing's Corner Lot: December 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

BBC Children in Need 2009 Song - Peter Kay

This one is really great! BBC's Charity single "Animated All Star Band", with 100 famous characters from the past. Do you still remember any of them? Two thumbs up for Peter Kay. Sales of this single will benefit The Children in Need.

Sesame Street : All I Want For Christmas

Sesame Street Fans, Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Beauty Tips, At No Cost

Below are beauty tips you'll surely enjoy. I found this in the prayer booklet given to me.

For Wrinkled Brows
The the well-known cream, SWEETNESS of TEMPER.
It tones up the facial muscles, reduces, wrinkles and is very uplifting.

For the Lips
Use the marvelous lipstick SILENCE. It is particularly good for lips
that have been distorted by uncharitable gossip

For Lovely Hands
There's really only one preparation to use. It is called GENEROSITY.
Get a large size jar.

For Facial Tone
Expose the face to the morning air, especially between 6 and 8:00.
The air on the way to Mass is especially refreshing and uplifting.

For Clear Eyes
Faithful care with that tried and true protective
 preparation, MODESTY. For the best results we recommend that you
carry it with you wherever you go

A Wonderful Cleansing Agent

An Ideal Conditioner and Beautifier

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Anne Stortz

When all the world is looming dark
And things seem not clear,
When shadows seem to hover 'round
Lord, may I persevere
When it seems everything's been tried
And there's no way to go,
Just let me keep remembering
Sometime's the journey's slow.
I may just need to stop and rest
Along the path I trod,
A time to try to understand
And have my talk with God
As I gain new strength to carry on
Without a doubt or fear,
Somehow I know things will be right,
And so, I persevere.

The Muppets- Bohemian Rhapsody

This one is nice. So cute. I love The Muppets. Brings back childhood memories of them hehehe. Courtesy of YouTube.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This is another one from the book WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women.
Enjoy reading.

We meet a lot of people everyday--on the street, on the bus, at school, and at work. They may be friends, acquaintances or even strangers. They come in all sizes, forms, and personalities. All of them touch our lives somehow, even for just a single moment.
But there is one act that would forever seal that encounter with people. That is the act of kindness.
It only takes a little effort to do something nice to others. It may be as simple as picking up things they dropped, opening the door, or even helping an elderly cross the busy street. It doesn't have to be as hard as fighting in a war or dying for the country like most heroes did; the feeling it will bring you is pretty much the same. You know,that light and happy feeling knowing we made life easier for somebody-even somebody we don't know. They may or may not treasure it. They may even forget all about it. The important thing is you did what should have been done.
The next time you step out of the house, how about making it your goal to be extra nice, to be a little kinder and more conscious of the needs of other people? It may be a little hard at first. It may take some of your time, for instance to help a stranger find his way when you should be hurrying for work.
That is the cost of kindness-a little inconvenience on our part. But the reward is greater. As we practice kindness, we can show others how to make a better place to live in. And what will it do for people we show kindness to? Well, they may start believing again that there are still kind and friendly people around and repay the act of kindness by being kind to others, too.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'ld like to share with you what I've read this morning about "Measuring Success" from the book WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women

Life consists of numerous endeavors. "Get it done. Finish the work." How many times have we heard these words repeated to us? Countless times, perhaps. we have all been asked to do things. But whatever it is that we are asked to do, the measure of success is not just that we've finished the job on time. It is not just about beating the deadline. It's about giving our best for God's glory.
Giving our best means exerting all effort, exhausting all resources and putting our hearts and souls into it. What we are asked to do may be as simple as typing a letter or something as complex as planning a strategy. Giving our best means treating both simple and complex jobs equally--doing both enthusiastically, wholeheartedly. It is doing the job with humility, never thinking, "This job is too small for someone as brilliant as me." Or thinking the other way around, "I can't do this. This is beyond my capabilities."
When we are asked to finish a task and fulfill a goal, let's get into the habit of accepting these as challenges and God-given opportunities. The principles of hard work, diligence and perseverance are built into us as we face these endeavors. Our character as God's children is developed and molded.
So the next time you are asked to do something, do not see it as another burdensome task that will rob you of time and energy. See it as another opportunity to learn, grow, and mature. And remind yourself to ask this question, "Am I giving my best for my Lord?"
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fullt to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58)

--from the book of WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY Devotions for Women

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Maguindanao Massacre

Election in the Philippines is coming next year, and so many aspiring candidates, in every part of the Philippines were doing their last minute of filing of certificate of candidacy last month. However, there are some who are already in power and seeks re-election, and feel threatened by newcomers or by the idea that they will lose in the next election, had turned to VIOLENCE....the only way they know how to win the election.

Thus three weeks ago, at least fifty-seven people, including journalists, were killed in an ambush. The reason...yes..political rivalry. It has always been like that during election. I heard in the past about cheating or stealing ballot boxes..but nothing like this, especially when the journalists, whose job is only to cover the news, were even brutally gunned-down and buried underground along with the other families of the candidates. The perpatrators tend to shut down the story by killing "the story". or so they thought. News of the killing have spread the country, and even internationally. Witnesses pointed to the mayor and his clan. The police arrested the mayor, now awaiting a trial. But will violence stop in the coming election?

Yesterday, Martial Law was declared in Maguindanao; militaries arrested other family members of the mayor. But will this still stop violence in the coming elections? I don't know. We don't know. Heck, even the government doesn't know. Debates have been in the news as to why the President declared Martial Law.

Even so, violence will always be a part of the election history. We can only pray to God to save us from more violence and that the new leader will guide our country to a better and peacefull society. Hopefully...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dolphin-watching in Cebu, Philippines

Cebu..Cebu...lalalala..Cebu! Yes! It was my first time to be in Cebu, one of the island provinces here in the Philippines,...and a totally great experience for me. The food was great, we went island hopping, and the best part was....dolphin-watching! It took us about, I think, 1 hour before the dolphins showed up. Though, not too many, coz we went out in the sea so late in the morning. But still, they waited for us, haha! They were playing with us,swimming beside our boat, as though they were excited to see us. So cute! Hope to see them again next time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Life is good

Just when you thought that your life is at the end of the rope, just stop and look around you, and you'll see that there are many wonderful things that life has yet to offer you. Don't lose hope. Life is good. God is good...all the time.