The SEO Whiz Jing's Corner Lot: Protectors of Children

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Protectors of Children

Children are wonderful blessings from God. They bring joy and happiness to every parent in the world. And parents in turn, should give love, protection, and care to the little ones. However, as much as these children need love from them; there are still some parents who would turn abusive hands on their own children. Not only parents, but also those close to them, some are relatives, neighbors, teachers, or even strangers. It seems that there are adults who do not care about the rights of the children.

Do you know the rights of the child? In order for us to become child protectors or child advocates, we should first understand and realize the children’s rights.

It was in 1989, when The United Nations held a Convention on the Rights of the Child and signed a treaty to help protect the children from all over the world. The convention sets out these rights in 54 articles and 2 Optional Protocols. It defines the basic human rights that children have; the right to survival; the right for them to develop to the fullest; the right to protection from harmful influences, abuse, and exploitation; and the right to participate fully in family, cultural, and social life. These rights are non-discriminatory. All devotes to the best interest of the children. Each right is essential to the dignity and harmonious development of every child. The convention protects children’s rights by setting standards in education, health care, legal, civil, and social services.

Now that you know the basic rights of the child, what can you do about it? If you witness your neighbor beating up his child, will you just ignore and turn away? Or if you hear a child crying for help, will you just be deaf and be silent about it. Speak up. As adults we have a major role in the society, ensuring that every kid will grow up having a healthy and happy childhood. We can start by raising awareness on the rights of the child among the children. Form a group in your neighborhood or in your school and go from one community to another, raising awareness on the children’s rights. You can also involve the communities in promoting and protecting the children’s rights. If the children know their rights, they will be empowered. Empowerment is the key.

However, there are still a lot to be done for in order to have a better world fit for our children.
With some countries engaging in war; the war on poverty;  the war on some armed conflict countries, how can we give our children hope? Yes, indeed, there are still much more work to be done. And it all starts within us by caring for the kids. Protect them from exploitation, abuse and violence. Be a child advocate.

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