The SEO Whiz Jing's Corner Lot: 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Freelance Job

Freelance Jobs
I thought that the site Freelancer, was not real. But it is. And I got my first freelance project on this site and was paid---in dollars! Freelancer was used to be called “Get a Freelancer, now they shortened it to just Freelancer. This is a site where you get to bid projects and get paid. Employers will post a project on the site along with the budget they have. Providers from different countries shall then bid on the project. Usually bidders range from as high as $1000 to as low as $30 dollars, depending on the rate of the employer.
I filled up my profile and chose categories that suited me. There are many categories available, from Web Design, Article writing, translations, I.T, and a lot more. I began searching for projects that is related with writing, which is my skill. My eye caught on the project that’s about storyboard writing. Hmmm, seems to me that it’s my forte. I looked at some of the other bidders’ rate, which the highest was $200 and the lowest was $30. So I gave it a try and bid $160.00. Just the right amount I thought. I left a message on the employer’s inbox and introduced myself and told the employer that I was interested on the project. The next day, I got a message from my Freelancer’s inbox. Viola! It’s from that employer that I applied. He gave me a test, more like a sample concept for me to write. I read the concept and started working on it. I submitted the script the same day, and waited for the result. I got another message again from him and told me that the script was interesting and then I’ll be put in their list along with the other applicants. He will contact me again soon, the message said. A week has passed but no message. And another week, but still none. I thought that maybe I didn’t get the project. Two days later, I didn’t open my internet, since I was busy at work. But when I opened my internet at home, and checked on the Freelancer site and inbox, wow, there were like I think 5 messages from the Storyboard project that said I was awarded the project. The last message was if I didn’t I accepted the project within 12 hours the project will be given to someone else. I looked at the time sent and 12 hours have not yet passed. So I immediately clicked on the “accept” button. Whew! That was close! I almost didn’t get the project if I hadn’t opened my inbox. So after a few hours, the employer gave me the project and the concept of what I’m going to write. It took me two days to finish the script and storyboard. The client was impressed with my work and paid me $160 through Freelancer. The client gave me a rating of perfect 10 and a very nice feedback. I was really very happy. A Filipino got the project out of many other foreigners who applied for the project. Hope I will do better again next time. Now, how was the money released or sent to me? That will be in my next story to tell.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Flip UltraHD camcorder

Flip UltraHD Highlights

The World’s Simplest HD Camcorder
The Flip UltraHD camcorder combines Flip Video’s signature shoot-and-share simplicity with the power of vivid, vibrant HD video. UltraHD could not be easier to use: just power on and press record, and you’ll be capturing high-quality HD video in seconds.

Ultra-Spontaneous, Ultra-Fun
UltraHD features 120 minutes of record time and an included rechargeable battery pack, so you’ll never miss another minute of video again. And because it’s ultra-portable, UltraHD lets you capture spontaneous video anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s a lazy afternoon in the park; a family vacation; or simply an unplanned, everyday event, your UltraHD will be charged and ready to go. So you never have to say, "You should have been there."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sweet Inspirations

Have a sweet inspiration day!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Please take a moment to read this wonderful reflection from the book WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY:

Have you ever wished that things were somehow different for you? Have you ever found yourself asking questions like, "HoW come my sister enjoys her job while I don't? I wish I had a different job." or "Why am I lonely while others are being loved?" Or maybe you could have expressed regrets like, "I could have been successful in my career like my best friend"; and many other wishes and longings just like these.
We may find ourselves in this kind of trap. Instead of enjoying what we have and where we are, we constantly whine and complain. We envy what other people have. We think that the world is unfair because others get all the breaks while we sit in a corner, waiting for who-knows-what.
All of us may have felt this way at least once in our lives. while there, in the soles of the discontented soul, many things happen in our hearts. When we constantly look at what others have, we rob ourselves of joy. We fail to recognize that what we have right here and now may actually be enough to make us happy. For instance, we may not have a high-paying-job, but we have the privilege to work with great officemates and a pleasant boss. Or, do women who gave up their careers for their families realize that building a healthy family is a success in itself?
The world will be a happier place if people would just learn how to appreciate what God gives them. So if you're one of those wearing the "discontentment shoes:, I urge you to take them off and never wear them again. Instead of looking at what others have, take inventory of what you have. You may find that what you have is exactly what you need. (Read 1 Timothy 6:6-8)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Are You A Real Estate Millionaire?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a real estate millionaire? Some say that being in the real estate business is where the real fortune comes in, especially, if you made your first sale. And if you made your first sale, chances are you’ll get another, and another, and another, until you’ve reached that goal of yours to become a millionaire. I remembered a few years back when a friend of mine offered me a house. She was a real estate agent. Though, I didn’t buy the house because it was too costly for me. I don’t even know if she made her first sale though after that, and where she is now. Another relative of mine was also into real estate business, although he didn’t become a millionaire. I think he went into another job. Well, it’s really tough being in this business. You either become successful or not. But how does one become successful?
Benjamin Franklin once said that “there are no gains without pains”. It is true. Real estate success means that you have to have lots of pains, lots of sacrifices at first in order for you to become successful. Try and try until you succeed. It could be that making your first million will come in about 2 years or so. It all depends on how determined you are in your goal. You can also make money in investing in real estate. I think there are people who have been successful and are making fortune out of investing in real estate.
But who has achieved success in the real estate industry, you might want to ask? There are lots of famous people who have been successful in this business, and who have also received their failures too in the past. To name a few, there are the likes of famous real estate tycoon Donald Trump; there is Donald Bren, currently the richest property tycoon in the world, who built his first home with a loan; also William King-director of UAE Dubai Property Properties; and many more. All of them had their shares of success stories in the real estate.
So if you want to try investing in the real estate, you may want to learn some tips from the tycoons. They too had their first million before establishing themselves as the moguls in the realty kingdom. You can either read their biographies to feel inspired when you go into this business. Their real estate wealth secrets aren’t as hard as you think. If you read some of their stories, then all of them had one thing in common. They didn’t give up. It’s true that they have failed a couple of times, but they never gave up. Even in times of economic crisis, they saw that as a challenge to them and got their feet back on the ground. Who knows, maybe with hard work and a lot of determination, you too could be the next real estate millionaire, or even the next tycoon billionaire.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Secrets of Real Estate Wealth Revealed?

Is there such a thing as real estate wealth secrets? Can billionaire tycoon like Donald Trump, and other rich people share their secrets of success with someone? Probably they won’t reveal every thing to you how their businesses work. What they can tell you is how they have strived really hard in order for them to become who they are now.

Investing in real estate needs a lot of time, passion, and the knack of knowing what you’re into. You must have a goal in order to reach that dream of becoming a real estate millionaire. Being in the real estate industry has bestowed many with wealth and richness. Some have failed, while others never gave up and became millionaires, even billionaires in their own makings.

Making money in the real estate industry is hard work. But how do you make money in the real estate? There are lots of books in stores about investing in the real estate business. Buying and selling properties are what makes it profitable in the real estate. Some would buy cheap property, remodel it, and then resell it again for profit. Ain’t that hard is it? But of course it would take time to do that, especially if you don’t have enough money to buy a property. But if you do have savings, be careful in choosing a property if you want to invest in the real estate. A good investor can locate a cheap house that is in poor condition, but is in an appreciating neighborhood. When remodeling it, make sure to get a good contractor, with excellent craftsmanship, and also make sure to have high-quality materials. Of course, if you’ve built a very nice property then you’ll need contacts. Get a good real estate agent. That agent may also have business contacts that he or she can set you up with business professionals.

A real estate success can be determined by how much profit you’ve gained selling a property or estate. And after making that first success sale, you will have that driving force to do it again, buying a property, selling it higher, and so on and so forth. It is that first taste of success that makes you excited to win in the business. After all, success is all in the mind. You can have anything you want. You just have to make that dream of yours a reality. Having to work hard to achieve your dream.

However, if you failed the first time, they try it again the next time and never give up. This is what some rich people have been doing. Never giving up on their failures. Some have started from scratch. Philippines too also has a fair share of success stories from some of the famous real estate businessmen. You might say that their real estate wealth secrets are not secret at all. All you need is hardwork and determination to be successful in life. As Albert Einstein said : “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chicken Soup for The Unsinkable Soul

This book is about life's challenges. I've read it a couple of times and couldn't help but become truly amazed and inspired. Written by celebrities and ordinary folks, each story emphasizes triumph in the face of overwhelming odds and demonstrates that no matter how difficult a situation, other people have lived through it and emerged with renewed strength and an appreciation for life, themselves and others. So when the going gets tough "Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul" will get you going. Grab a copy and be inspired now.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

General Nakar, Quezon

It was a long road trip to General Nakar in Quezon Province, not to mention a very "zigzaggy" road trip that I almost vomit inside the vehicle. Good thing I brought along a candy with me. Anyway, if you're coming from Quezon city, you're route will be from Marcos Hi-way going to Antipolo City then Tanay; Morong; Theresa; Laguna; then you'll reach Quezon Province. It's a 4 hour ride going there. There's another route going to Quezon from Marikina, i think, but some people said that it's a very rough road from there.
General Nakar is a 1st class municipality in the province of Quezon, Philippines.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Protectors of Children

Children are wonderful blessings from God. They bring joy and happiness to every parent in the world. And parents in turn, should give love, protection, and care to the little ones. However, as much as these children need love from them; there are still some parents who would turn abusive hands on their own children. Not only parents, but also those close to them, some are relatives, neighbors, teachers, or even strangers. It seems that there are adults who do not care about the rights of the children.

Do you know the rights of the child? In order for us to become child protectors or child advocates, we should first understand and realize the children’s rights.

It was in 1989, when The United Nations held a Convention on the Rights of the Child and signed a treaty to help protect the children from all over the world. The convention sets out these rights in 54 articles and 2 Optional Protocols. It defines the basic human rights that children have; the right to survival; the right for them to develop to the fullest; the right to protection from harmful influences, abuse, and exploitation; and the right to participate fully in family, cultural, and social life. These rights are non-discriminatory. All devotes to the best interest of the children. Each right is essential to the dignity and harmonious development of every child. The convention protects children’s rights by setting standards in education, health care, legal, civil, and social services.

Now that you know the basic rights of the child, what can you do about it? If you witness your neighbor beating up his child, will you just ignore and turn away? Or if you hear a child crying for help, will you just be deaf and be silent about it. Speak up. As adults we have a major role in the society, ensuring that every kid will grow up having a healthy and happy childhood. We can start by raising awareness on the rights of the child among the children. Form a group in your neighborhood or in your school and go from one community to another, raising awareness on the children’s rights. You can also involve the communities in promoting and protecting the children’s rights. If the children know their rights, they will be empowered. Empowerment is the key.

However, there are still a lot to be done for in order to have a better world fit for our children.
With some countries engaging in war; the war on poverty;  the war on some armed conflict countries, how can we give our children hope? Yes, indeed, there are still much more work to be done. And it all starts within us by caring for the kids. Protect them from exploitation, abuse and violence. Be a child advocate.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

We Are The World-USA For Africa

Today I heard again on the radio, the song "We Are The world",and still is a very touching music up to this day. We are the World is a charity single produced in 1985 and was recorded by famous artists, USA for Africa. It was written by Lionel Ritchi and Michael Jackson(oh he'll surely be missed); and co-produced by Quincy Jones and Michael Omartiam for the album We are The World. That album was produced to raise funds for the starving people in Africa, especially Ethiopia where around one million people died during the 1984-1985 famine in the country. As of 2009, it has sold over 20 million units and raised over $63 million dollars. What a very good amount to end the year 2009 for them!

After twenty five years, that song still has an impact. It still sends out strong message of giving, loving, and helping.... "we are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving." Truly, giving is the only way we can make someone's life very meaningful. At a foundation where I'm employed, I see different people walking-in with big hearts, ready to share and spread their love and kindness to the ones in need. Even little kids carrying small amount, share whatever they have from their savings. Such an amazing sight to see small children with big hearts. We can learn from the children, who at their early age already know the value of giving. After all, children are our future.

However, for the past years, what have we been doing to spread love? I hear stories about violence, war, corruption, greed, etc. It never stops. And the ones affected are the children. They are still young and innocent to see and witness such violence in the world. The graphic images of children I see on tv screen in a war torn country are horrifying. When will this stop? When will we see a world where there is love and peace?

But undoubtedly, there are people who are generous when there are natural calamities happening in a country. Let us not lose hope.

As the lyrics say "when you're down and out, there seems no hope at all, but if you just believe there's no way we can fall. Well, let's realize, that a change can only come when we stand together as one." Wow! what a nice message, isn't it. If we just believe and stand together as one, then change will come. It will be such a long way to go for us to have what we truly want, which is a peaceful world.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: Year of the Tiger

2010 is the Year of the Tiger. In the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Tiger or Metal Tiger starts on February 14. Tiger people are sensitive, passionate, honest, and modest. Usually they are high-tempered and get mood-swings, but they don’t hold grudges for a long time, and are forgiving people. They value family, friendship support and care.
People born in the year of the tiger are very emotional and sensitive in their love life. They are capable of great love and they become too intense about it. Sometimes they are possessive.
Tiger-people are hard working and dynamic. They are usually in a hurry to get things done right and prefer to work alone.
Some famous celebrities born in the Year of the Tiger are Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and Natalie Wood.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Year 2010

Today marks the beginning of a new life…new hope…new aspiration. It is the time for everyone to re-examine their inner most self and re-evaluate their lives. Is there something that you wished you had done something better for yourself or for someone else? Now is the time. Don’t hold back. Did you ever regret something in the past? It is time to let go of the past and move on with your life. The world is out there waiting for you to discover new things. As Abraham Lincoln puts it, “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” So what are you waiting for? Go on and live your life to the fullest. Start this 2010.